Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Classic Space Rover

I don't build a lot of MOCs these days, but when I do, it seems that I build Space MOCs more than anything else. The first MOC of 2013 was no exception:

Made mostly of new light gray, this six-wheeled "Moon Rover" was inspired the fig driving it. He was the main reason I purchased 850423 Minifig Presentation Boxes while at the LEGO Store last--that and the fact that the set was on sale. Although Classic Space was well before my time, I am by no means immune to their charm and I have yet to come close to "having enough." I'd actually been thinking for some time about building a Space rover, partly because my bucket of wheels and tires was growing no smaller and partly because I'd been spending some time on Flickr's Classic Space Rovers set. The arrival of the little blue spaceman seemed like the perfect time.

The rover is not a particularly complicated build. It's a basic studs-right-side-up construction with no particular effort put into achieving studlessness. Mostly it was just an excuse to use a bunch of light bley pieces (a colour I have abundantly in small quantities...) and to give this spaceman a fun ride.

The crate or storage container in the back is lifted, still somewhat intact, from the safe that was Day 19's item in the 2011 City Advent Calendar.

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